
Long Hiatus Attempting to Experience "Community"

 BMB was an opportunity to perform spiritual work as an individual disconnecting from society in pursuit of pastoral work on farms, wherever i could find it.

it lead me to East Wind Community in the south Missouri Ozarks in April '21 and i have resided here since.

my alignment within The Black Flame has been the subject of persecution in my time here and spoken about with heavy reflections of the Satanic Panic.

a group of people here insisted my relationship with Veneficium (poisonous herbalism) framed me as a would-be cult leader and compared me to Jim Jones.

i have done very little spiritual work for others since coming here and have no reason to continue pursuing myself as a practitioner.

while this opportunity has been riddled with trashing & psychological abuse, i have found a much stronger path in personal asceticism for now and will follow The Black Flame more personally.

i will, however, be sharing my experiences as a communard elsewhere.