We have no distinct legal existence and believe The Spirit to be more important than the state.  Our civility within the secular world remains to be guided by The Spirit and, therefore, we will not accept impositions of that secular world to dictate legality or legitimacy for our own consented actions.

    As Syncretists, we honor multiple paths which we understand to have fallen from a singularity referred to as The Black Flame.  Þursatru is most responsible and foundational to our beliefs & work as it relates to our genetic history and the associations we identify with thru it.  As a primary focus, we worship through the act of becoming Heljarunar, defined as one who studies The Runes and applies them to practical magik & thought.  Among the parallels we honor & venerate are Qliphoth, Fomoir, Bonpos, Xibalbaxan, & Orisa.

    The spiritual government we seek for guidance is presented thru Þursastafiir, a complex totem reflecting Merkaba technology and Medicine Wheel philosophy heralded by a community of spirits known as Þurs.  Their origins & interactions can be researched primarily through The Poetic Edda, a recognized history of Keltik & Norse people's spiritual beliefs prior to the christianization of Europe.  Sources of parallel history & mythology can be found in the Torah, Lebor Gabala Erenn, Bardo Þodol and Popol Vuh.

    We believe in an origin among Ginnungagap, The Yawning Void from which all elements burst from upon the creation of matter and that it is possible to attain acceptance back into It upon surpassing consciousness by way of dissolving personal possessions & the ego that collected them.  We also believe in an eschatology referred to as Ragnarok, an apocalyptic catastrophe with the potential to destroy the planet if our mental faculties become unstable.  Our inclusion among such an event will be guided by the spirits compiling our Þursastafiir.  We settle any secular dispute or conflict through mediation & meditation and utilize numerous tools of discipline to contemplate transgression & balance.  Runagaldr, or Rune Song, is used to code ideas into genetic memory while concentrating on their efficacy of projection and can be transmitted in several ways.  Brjota, or Break Apart, uses Stadhagaldr (Posture Song) to position one's body into Runic transmissions that amplify the intended communication.  Runnebomme, or Rune Drum, is a grounding technique to hold one's focus & raise awareness of activity among the ethereal plane and can provide rhythm to Stadha or Damza (Dance) to continue the intended amplification.  Marsstarial is a self-defense praxis through martial arts that reflects the dichotomy of the search for peace in that our contemplation of it does not control the physical actions of another without their consent.  Uinna (Work) relates to a labor trade one assumes that projects their intended will into their world with any effort to benefit it.  Matask (Eat) is easily our favorite form of worship as it compiles many different aspects of our discipline into foods that enhance our ability to worship.

    As the bulk of our worship is intended for outdoor arenas, our primary establishment to conduct this work is a utility van which allows us to travel among North America where our services might be sought after.

    Currently, the only minister among BMB is Conaan Okolniir Ualand with a small handful of students & technical administration.  Several manuals related to the psychological & physical dedication for service & worship, as well as biographical details regarding their spiritual discoveries, are very forthcoming.


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